Green & Grey Photo // Greenville, SC Birth Photographer

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The Girl Who Waited

Actually she didn't wait. That was just for you Doctor Who fans.

The Bocchio's plan was to wait until the contractions were about 5 minutes apart, then head to the hospital where Sherillyn would be checked. If they were progressing, they planned to call me (their birth photographer/ anxious new aunty) so I could capture the pre-birth/birth moments.

None of it went as planned.

Sherillyn spent most of the night in a sort of pre-labor state with intense contractions but about 7-10 minute time gaps. By about 5:00am the contractions moved down to 5 minutes and rapidly increased. By the time she arrived at the hospital, she had begun delivering. Without a room available they were asked to wait in the lobby, where one nurse declared "Stop pushing! We've never delivered in the hall before!" By the time they actually made it to a pre-birthing room, Alesia was halfway birthed and the nurses were scrambling. 

Enter 7lb 2oz 19 3/4" Antonietta Alesia Bocchio. If her entrance was any indication as to her future personality, she's going to be one heck of a drama queen.

Because I wasn't able to get to the hospital in time, I arrived after the birth to capture the moment that Evelyn (Alesia's 1.5 year old big sister) first met Alesia. Enjoy the moments below!