For Kevin
Found a few gems from the early days while ransacking my computer today for a missing folder. It reminded me of our story. What a grand adventure it's been.
Four years and six months ago we became friends. We texted way too often and spent evenings laughing quietly over movie-quote-banter for fear of waking others.
Four years and three months ago we expressed our mutual feelings as we rocked back and forth on rocking chairs in front of the lake. I knew this talk was different from the others.
Four years and two months ago we started writing letters. Long letters. Notebooks worth of letters. And waiting one week, two weeks to hold them in our hands. I was scared to admit it out loud, but I was already far gone for you.
Three years, eleven months, and sixteen days ago we started dating. You drove through the night to see me. To move back to my town. You were exhausted, sick, and voiceless, but you couldn't wait to ask to my parents. The talk was easy. We fell into laughing and chatting like old friends, my parents and us. My dad blessed and we began. Seeing my dad laugh with you, witnessing the affirmation of years and years of 'the right guy will come one day, and when he does we'll all know it'; that was when I knew.
I knew you were the one for me. That evening sitting at Panera with my parents and you, I didn't know how many years we would have together until the end, but I knew we were meant to be together for always. We were two independent souls and we belonged beside one another. Simple as that.
We're youngsters in the wide world or relationships. We have a long way to go and so, so much to learn. But I'm glad I get to learn with you. When the wind and rain comes, we'll cling to each other with reckless ferocity, and when the weather is clear and the sun is high, we'll hold hands and laugh at the clouds. I know this is true.
Our adventure has been grand and will be grander still, and I am so very content to be living it with you.