New Project: Light and Peace Moment // Greenville, SC // Birth and Lifestyle Photographer
Yay! POST NUMBER 1 for my new hashtag #lightandpeacemoment just launched today! If you’re interested in checking out the original post, you can see it here:
The idea behind light and peace moment is pretty simple: take a moment to stop, look around you, and find beauty, light, rest, and joy. Focus on the little, the bright, the deep, the rich, the full. It’s there it even if it’s hard to see, and I want to call us both to take a moment to recognize it.
I believe that God is peace. That he loves what he’s made, and that he’s infused his peace and love through creation. I also believe there are active forces trying to cover this up, to deconstruct, to destroy, cause chaos and confusion and unrest and anger. I want to take a moment resist those forces by focusing on the light and peace that’s around us, and I’d love for YOU to join me!
SO! If you have thirty seconds to sit and reflect today, let me know where you’ve found light and peace by hashtagging #lightandpeacemoment! I’ll collect your contributions on my facebook page and instagram and feature them in my stories and blog posts each Tuesday. Lets form a resistance against the darkness by filling this little corner of social media with a moment of light and peace together ❤️
Along with my own photos, here’s a story from Gordon M. that gives such an amazing glimpse of a Light and Peace moment in action!
“This little man gave us a big scare last week.
Thursday morning out of nowhere, Hamish started running a high fever. I took him to get flu tested so we could know and quarantine our family. The test came back negative and after talking we decided to treat it as a viral infection.
Hamish rested all afternoon. Around 5:30 I tried to wake him up from a nap. He was slow to rouse, so I periodically went over to stir him.
I had a gut mom feeling from God that something wasn’t right so I went and kneeled on the floor in front of him, said his name and he gave me the strangest look accompanied by a noise I had never heard him make and then he started having a seizure.
Friends it was so scary, but I had unexplainable peace as I stayed next to him and keeping him safe till the seizure ended about 2 minutes later.
When the kids were eating dinner and I was taking a moment to reflect on the day I was able to stand in the kitchen and say from my soul, “God you are good, God I trust your plan and your way, you are good.” Peace despite feelings, despite circumstances true peace.
We can’t be ruled by fear, it will leave us empty. Our hope can’t be in medicine, it will leave us empty, we can’t hope in natural medicine, it will leave us empty, we can’t hope in physical strength, our strength will fail. These are all tools, medicine, oils, exercise, these are tools for our good but not our hope.
Our hope must be in the rock, Christ, the rock that provides support in the day in and day out, in the dessert and the shade. All other ground is sinking sand.
Also.... here’s to no more Febrile Seizures.
Hamish fully recovered and seems to have no memory of that moment.”
Share your own Light and Peace moment or story with me on Instagram by tagging me and hashtagging #lightandpeacemoment!