Marion Portrait- Sneak Peak
Marion is my first baby sister (my final baby sister came way later...she's all of 6 years old now). She's one of the most fun, easy-going, sweet, happy, enjoyable people I know, and I absolutely LOVE hanging out with her. She's one of my closest friends and it was such a pleasure to do her portrait today! Enjoy the sneak preview from our day!
PS- The first picture is of an unnamed friend who was very curious about our art. He wanted to know what motivated each picture. He asked 'When you take a picture, what are you looking for?' I was stumped by the question. It caused deep introspection that has continued throughout the day. He then asked if I was sure I didn't want to take his picture, to which I replied 'Of course I'll take your picture!' So there you have it. And now I'll turn the question to you: What are you looking for? When you create or give or see, what are you looking for?