My first memory of my sister is very very faint. I remember Dad rolling a cart into the hospital room- pink balloons were attached to the side and birthday cake sat on the top. We sang happy birthday to the silent, sleepy bundle in Moms arms.
Apparently I didn't want to leave my new sister's side at the end of the day-- the family all says I screamed the whole way home from the hospital. We were best friends from the beginning.
God was kind to us. We were best friends all through childhood. Our memories are the best: sharing a room (and clothes), having to match our dresses (I HATED matching), playing with our kittens, going to the beach, dressing up, dancing to EVERYTHING, playing airplane with the static sound on the radio, naked angel babies, backwards hats, forts, street football, opera signals, bikes, the little block, the big block, the new block, picnics, and family dinners. We have some not so good memories too, but at the end of it all we've been able to maintain our friendship through thick and thin.
Today we celebrated Sherillyn's 21st birthday. We spent the day with our mother and grandmother, eating fresh baked bread and tasting fine wines. Our day was full of good conversation, holding a sweet tiny baby, walking around the quaint shops of Biltmore Village, and road tripping. We ended by having a family dinner at our parents house. The table was overflowing with sisters and husbands and children.
Here are the pictures from our day: